Saturday, 1 December 2012

BBC Good Food Show: Winter LIVE!



I went to the Summer good food show in 2008/09 with my Grandparents. So now I am an official money earner as opposed to a stinking student lame-o I jumped on the 2012-12-01 11.55.38opportunity to go again! So with my first pay-check I bough myself a ticket to go, and with me came my Grandparents again, as well as my Auntie, Uncle and cousins, Abbie, Tom and Jordan.

What did we do?

We arrived dead on 09:00 for doors opening, and we instantly hit the stalls! Free samples of breads, crackers, cheeses, meat, sausage, wine, spirits and confectionary to name a few! How many miniscule cubes of cheese I ate today is completely unknown… But it was so so nice to be in one place with so many unique, niche and newcomer shops and businesses was really exciting! We got to sample new brands of product, new varieties and often new products entirely! Chocolate wine?! White chocolate whiskey?! Haggis, sea salt and cracked black pepper crisps?! Ever stall posed a new opportunity to taste something very exciting!

Not only were there stalls posing free samples of food and drink, but there were many demonstration stalls, advertising their kitchen utensils, gadgets, ovens, and experiences as well.

2012-12-01 09.44.14

The HIGHLIGHT of the day was getting to meet Paul Hollywood! YES! PAUL HOLLYWOOD! He was kind enough to sign my programme, and have his photo taken with me next to the Great British Bake Off theatre. If I had been there when Mary Berry was later that day I may have just passed out.

What did I buy?:

I spend my money on some exciting things. I bought some AMAZING looking brownies from a stall called “The Brownie Bar”, 4 for £6.50 which is probably very expensive, but I will let you know my verdict with a blog post later! I also bought a chocolate panetone (watch this space), a vintage butter knife for 2012-12-01 13.03.28my mum, an exciting Seychelles Yellow Curry and some toast-a-bags- cheese sandwiches will forever be easy from now on!

Would I go again?:

I have every intention of going to the Summer AND Winter Good Food Show Live’s in 2013!! Open-mouthed smile


  • Book early!
  • Make sure you get there early because around 12:00-13:00 it got MANICALLY busy and it was actually really quite difficult to move around and go to the different stalls without losing a limb or being nearly trampled.
  • Take your own shopping trolley! I do not care how “uncool” they can be, they save your arms when you buy allsorts of goodies and have to carry them round for 5 hours!
  • Shop around for the best product at the best price!

All images on this page are Copyright© of Amy Fellowes 01/12/12

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