Date: 2/9/12
Background: Basically, I NEEDED pudding. Sometimes, especially after an emotionally draining 3 night shifts, pudding is the only thing that can comfort you. So I thought of a cheap, non-classy, no-bells-and-whistles, thrown together dessert, to fill my pudding void.
What: Cheap Chocolate Cake, Mars Bar & Nutella Sauce and Vanilla Ice cream
How much?: approx £1 per portion

- 1/3 of a cheap chocolate loaf cake
- 100mls semi skimmed milk
- 1 Mars bar
- 2 teaspoons of cocoa powder
- 2 teaspoons of Nutella
- Squeeze of golden syrup
- Vanilla Ice cream
- Heat milk on a stove on a medium heat
- Chop Mars Bar into small chunks
- When milk is simmering add Mars Bar chunks
- Stir continuously to prevent sticking/burning
- Stir the cocoa powder with a little of the warm milk into a paste
- Add the cocoa powder paste golden syrup and Nutella to sauce
- Bring to the boil, still stirring continuously
- Keep stirring until sauce thickens
- Pour some of the sauce into bottom of the bowl
- Top with the cake, more sauce and Ice cream
It did exactly what it said on the tin. Yes it was cheap, but it was cheerful and quite comforting. It is definitely more of an eat in secret pudding, to have on your own, a bit Nigella-esque. Certainly not one to impress people. The cocoa powder, Nutella and golden syrup were last minute additions to try and thicken the sauce as I had added a little more milk than stated here and was too runny- therefore the volumes in the above list are ones which will be better when you lovely people try it. Best thing about the pudding was that it was a hot pudding and cold ice cream. The ultimate comfort.
What was bad:
The sauce I made was a bit runny as this was an improvised recipe without a written guide. But hopefully with the above volumes you will get a better result

(Apologies for Poor Quality


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