To see this masterpiece for yourself and all the other delicious treats on offer see this hyperlink http://www.cadwaladersicecream.co.uk/. Whilst chatting about (and tasting) its glory, it dawned on us... This wasn't the first time we have marvelled at a deliciously decadent dessert! If anything, every time we go out for dinner, we always look forward to and enjoy the pudding the most! We think that, sometimes after a sumptuous savoury dish (or in our case, before :S) all you need is a sweet sugary hit, with a perfect combination of flavours, textures and temperatures that dances on the plate/bowl and fills you with the knowing that you are going to VERY much enjoy the next 20 minutes of your life.
When you think of a cold, blustery winter's evening, snow on the ground and you are tired from the day you have endured, the feeling of tucking in to a the warm, comforting, soft, sweet happiness that an apple crumble and Devon custard brings is enough to instil with you the feeling of life satisfaction, that you are at one with the world once again. And who can say that they have not been sat in their living room on a hot summers day, and the magical musical tune of the ice cream van fills your street, sending a chill of excitement down your spine, scrabbling for pennies with the hope that you will be holding an icy cold refreshing treat in your hand to savour and devour with childish enthusiasm, regardless of your age.
Food can be a comfort, cure, enjoyment, or at the basic level, life source, for everybody. Dessert in my (Amy) opinion is the little indulgence that can mean the difference between eating to live, and living to eat.
Basically, this blog is hopefully going to share with you, our favourite pudding experiences, and in some cases our least favourite, so that we share our passion for pudding to the world (or at least our niche community!) and help to "spread the love" so to speak!
As this progresses we hope to include recipes and other fun bits, to which we are open to some suggestions, to make this blog a bit more interesting!
To try and add some objectiveness to our discoveries, we are going to rate each pudding with a "Waffle score" i.e. 1 waffle = waffully disappointing and 5 waffles = waffle-ifically stupendous! This is just a bit of fun but it can help you to visualise our opinions a bit easier and rate our (hopefully) growing list of nommages (new word) a bit easier!
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